

We are excited to announce that our very own Jana Birdseye, IBCLC and Director of Operations will be presenting at this phenomenal event hosted by the US Wage and Labor division to help mother’s navigate the laws that protect them while at work.

Georgia Panel Session

Pregnancy & Breastfeeding Resources


Date: Tuesday, August 20th

Time: 10:00 AM- 11:00 AM CT/ 11:00 AM-12:00 PM ET

Public Registration Link: https://events.gcc.teams.microsoft.com/event/309fd557-d947-4017-bfcb-7ef519043fe1@75a63054-7204-4e0c-9126-adab971d4aca


Please join the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division and the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in celebrating Breastfeeding Awareness Month in Georgia!

While our agencies enforce important laws that ensure that you are supported in the workforce, we know that parenthood can be overwhelming. There are multiple resources available locally that can help you succeed and thrive- organizations that can provide support for lactation, pregnancy, parenthood, and more! This session will introduce you to a few of the people that can be a part of your village.

More about the webinar series: 

The Navigating Pregnancy and Nursing as a Working Mother in the Southeast webinar series is an opportunity for you to learn about the laws but also equip you with local resources that can help support you! 

On August 1st, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division and the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commissionwill provide workers, worker advocates, and other stakeholders with information on the federal laws that protect pregnant workers from discrimination, provide time off for the birth or adoption of a child, and ensure nursing workers can take breaks to pump breastmilk while at work. 

This free webinar will help workers understand protections afforded by current law and how to talk to their employers and assert their rights. The webinar will also equip advocates with information to assist new and expecting mothers seeking to assert their workplace rights. 

Following the inaugural event, each state will host an individual panel session to introduce local stakeholders that provide expertise, support, and resources to parents and nursing mothers. These panelists vary by state and include state WIC offices, milk banks, support groups, lactation consultants, and more.


  • Karla Falcon, Community Outreach and Resource Planning Specialist, US Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division
  • TBD [EEOC Representative & Title], U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
  • Jana Birdseye, Director of Operations, Lactation Consultants of Atlanta
  • Thomecia Busby, Certified Breastfeeding Specialist, Healthy Mother Healthy Babies
  • Elizabeth Collins, Department of Gynecology & Obstetrics Assistant Professor, Emory University School of Medicine
  • Claire Eden, Program Director, GA Chapter American Academy of Pediatrics
  • Rachel Hankinson, Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Supervisor, Lawrenceville Health Center
  • Jessica White, Nurse Practitioner, The Pediatric Center

Milky Monday

FREE Breastfeeding Support Group

Every Third Monday of the Month.

Please click on the calendar and follow the prompts to reserve your spot at our FREE breastfeeding support group. We offer a hybrid option for our support group meetings. You can attend in person at our Marietta location or online via our secure virtual meeting platform.

For the safety of our participants, only registered guests will receive the virtual link.

The support of others during this time of yours and baby’s lives is very important. We want to help offer you the support you need, this is time to bond with others on the same journey as you. You are not alone on your breastfeeding journey.

Support group is led by a board-certified lactation consultant who can answer your questions and lead the discussion.  Follow the link below to register.

You do not need to be a patient of LCA to attend our free support group this is for the whole community.

Join us for a free Saturday morning support group, hosted in partnership with Intown Pediatrics.

The Intown Pediatrics Saturday support group is held once a month and led by one of our board-certified lactation consultants to help facilitate the conversation and answer your questions. As part of the support group and as time allows, we offer free weight checks (including pre and post-feeding weights), pump checks, and basic flange fittings.

Location: Intown Pediatrics @ their Glenwood Park location only

490 Bill Kennedy Way, SE
Atlanta, GA 30316

Date: Every second Saturday of the month

Time: 11:30 A – 12:30 P

Excited to share that one of our leading consultants, Jana Birdseye, IBCLC, is working with MESH moms to offer lactation and infant feeding support and education to the community. Whether you are a Mesh Moms member or would like to learn more about breastfeeding in a mom-centered environment, stay tuned for upcoming announcements for event and support group updates.